Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Date format issue for some users

Scenario #1:
The RDS server is migrated to different region DC.

When existing users access the MS access as remote app, they get date format issue.

Error message:
Your system is configured for American date format mm/dd/yyyy. Please change the regional settings to Australia and try again

Scenario #2:
Date format not showing correctly in server for some users when they remotely login to the server

Issue: Some users still see the date format as MM/dd/yyyy even though it is set to dd/MM/yyyy.

Troubleshooting: Since the issue is occurring only for some users, it's more related to user profile

Resolution: Delete the stored user profile from the server for existing users. Since the existing user profile are stored and that regional details are displayed based on user profile stored. Once the existing user profiles are delete, a new user profile is created and saved when user logins in again.

Steps to delete the user profile

  1. Run > sysdm.cpl to open System Properties window
  2. Click on Advanced tab
  3. Click on Settings button under User Profiles section
  4. Select the user profile with issue and click Delete User Profile

Note: If Delete button is grayed out/disabled, make sure that user does not have any active/disconnected session. You can check this in Task Manager > Users. Log off the user and try to delete again.